
  1. Noun, Food-Kitchen stemware
  2. glass
  3. tumbler
  4. goblet
  5. pot
  6. cup
  7. (drinking , tea) glass
  8. wine glass
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Noun, Cinema
champagne flute Food-Kitchen
champagne glass Food-Kitchen
wine glass Food-Kitchen
death cup
double size glass
down the hatch !
to raise your glass Verb
to propose a toast Verb
to raise a toast Verb
to hobnob Verb
to clink glasses Verb
to pay for a round of drinks Verb
to raise one's elbow Verb
to raise one's glass to sb Verb
to propose a toast to someone Verb
to drink Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. İçki içmekte ... cam, piyâle