
  1. Noun, Economics capacity
  2. Noun capability
  3. capacitor
  4. capacitance
  5. condenser
  6. output rate
  7. cubage
  8. cubature
output capacity
receptivity Noun
idle plant capacity
maximum payload
turndown ratio Noun, Machines
banking capacity
memory capacity
computer output
floor weight capacity
clearance capacity
gross carrying capacity
capacity for growth
working capacity
functional capacity
tensile bearing behavior Noun, Mechanics
dead weight capacity
dead-weight capacity
fleet capacity
capacity of storage
storage capacity
decreased earning capacity
axial pile bearing capacity Noun, Construction
absorbtive capacity
industrial plant reserve
factory workload
plant capacity
capacity to develop
shipbuilding capacity
bale cubic capacity
yield capacity
entrepreneurial capacity
spending capacity
export capacity
capacity to produce
producing power
business capacity
working capacity
heat capacity Noun
floor weight capacity
borrowing power
credit capacity
port capacity
turndown ratio Noun, Machines
national productive capacity
assembly capacity
clearance capacity
borrowing capacity
hotel capacity
seating capacity
earning capacity
refinery capacity
competitive position
competitive capacity
industrial capacity
industrial capacity
sales capacity
selling capacity
absorbtive capacity
full operating capacity
full operating capacity
saving capacity
conveying capacity
carrying capacity Noun, Tourism
bearing capacity Noun, Construction
vehicle output
vehicle output
supply capacity
telephone switchboard capacity
consuming power
productive capacity
producing power
manufacturing capacity
producer power
capacity to produce
capacity of output
production capacity
producing capacity
taxing capacity
taxable capacity
data handling capacity
passenger space
transport capacity
freight capacity
cargo capacity
cargo carrying capacity
loading capacity
mental capacity
brain capacity
maximum capacity
surplus capacity
minimum output
excess capacity Noun, Competition Law
excess capacity
(US) idle capacity
idle capacity Noun, Competition Law
idle capacity
(production) maximum capacity
maximum capacity
peak capacity
maximum output
peak output
physical capacity
real output
daily capacity
ideal capacity
reduced output
cubic capacity
effective output
unused capacity
financial capacity
standard capacity
normal capacity
normal output
ordinary capacity
ordinary ability
average capacity
mean capacity
limited capacity
at full capacity Adverb
total output
total capacity
global capacity
total capacity
reserve capacity
spare capacity
(Br) spare capacity
domestic capacity
annual capacity
annual output
capacity expansion Noun
certificate of capacity
capacity variance
volume variance
surplus capacity
excess capacity Noun, Management
overcapacity Noun, Trades-Professions
capacity building Noun
capacity-building Politics-Intl. Relations
capacity building Noun
expansion of capacity
extension of capacity
limit of the capacity
capacity requirements
capacity decrease
capacity loss
capacity utilization gap
rate of capacity utilisation
capacity utilisation rate
activity ratio
capacity utilisation
use of capacity
capacity problem
capacity test
capacity output
idle capacity cost
to operate at peak capacity Verb
ceiling of the economy Noun
we are going to add to our existing capacity
capacity costs Noun
to be working to capacity Verb
ability cost
ability cost Noun
full-capacity production
to operate at full production Verb
plant utilization factor
to fine tune an economy already at full capacity Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. İçine alabilme, ... sığdırabilme derecesi