
  1. pale
  2. stake
  3. pole
  4. pile
  5. picket
  6. swindle
  7. post
  8. stob
  9. fraudulent overcharge
  10. bad pennyworth
  11. (slang) trick
  12. (slang) unreasonably expensive
  13. outrageously high
  14. highway robbery
  15. overreaching
piled-raft Noun, Construction
piled-raft foundation Noun, Construction
bored pile Noun, Construction
suction-bucket foundation Noun, Construction
reinforced bored pile Noun, Construction
bored pile Noun, Construction
helical pile Noun, Construction
micropile Noun, Construction
monopile Noun, Construction
foundation pile Construction
suction bucket Noun, Construction
double cross
(slang) to cheat Verb
to sell something at an outrageous price Verb
to overcharge sb Verb
to fob off Verb
to overreach Verb
to humbug Verb
to swindle Verb
to outbargain Verb
as stiff as a ramrod
to stay like post Verb
spny butterfly ray Noun, Zoology
(slang) outrageously expensive
pile shaft Noun, Construction
pile foundation Noun, Construction
pile dwelling
pile work
pile tip Noun, Construction
pile driver Noun
bad bargain
to be cheated Verb
to have been badly let down Verb
(slang) to be swindled Verb
to get the shaft Verb
to get sting Verb
pile load test Noun, Construction
axial pile bearing capacity Noun, Construction

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Toprağa çakılan, ... veya odun