
  1. whisker
  2. pussy
  3. puss
  4. Noun, Zoology cat
Cinderella Noun, Names
siamese cat Noun, Zoology
stray cat
wild cat Noun, Zoology
thin cat
Puss in Boots Proper Name, Language-Literature
kitten Noun
large spotted dogfish Noun, Zoology
cat's cradle
ailurophobia Noun, Psychology
ailurophobe Noun, Psychology
cat like
catty Adjective
like a cat
cat's eye
tail lamp (of a car)
to lead a cat- and-dog life Verb
to lead a cat-and-dog life Verb
to fight like cat and dog Verb
kitty litter Noun
cat litter Noun
cat food Noun, Home
the cat gave him a scratch
kitten Noun
to play fast and loose with sb Verb
lesser spotted dogfish Noun, Zoology
wet cat food Noun, Home
dry cat food Noun, Home
black mouthed dogfish Noun, Zoology

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

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