
  1. Adjective, Law express
  2. Adjective explicit
  3. clear
  4. direct
  5. explicit
  6. vivid
  7. unambiguous
  8. exact
  9. plain
  10. specific
  11. positive
  12. undisguised
  13. trenchant
  14. precise
lucid explanation
express contract
express agreement
express statement
explicitly Adverb
explicitly Adverb
in the face of direct orders
express trust
perfect right
specific statement
clear expression
express notice
luculent explanation
express permission
express malice
express reservation
express grant
express consent
express permission
express assent
explicitly Adverb
express authority
express licence license
expressly or impliedly
express consent
explicit consent
express condition
express stipulation
explicit condition
express term
on the express stipulation
unambiguous terms Noun
express warranty
express or implied Adjective, Law
expressly or impliedly
to speak by the card Verb
commentator Noun

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Açık, belirgin, vâzıh, âşikâr

Şerheden, açıklayan, bir eseri açıklamak üzere ... bir eser yazan kimse