
  1. finish
  2. arrival
  3. reach
  4. Noun destination
  5. coming
  6. accession
arrive in harbour
arrive in harbor
coming of age
safe arrival
seasonable arrival
destination address Information Technology
finishing- post
day of arrival
notice of arrival
advice of arrival
(sports) finish line on a running track
finishing line
airport of arrival
station of arrival
port of arrival
port of destination Noun, International Law
point of destination Noun
destination Noun
time of arrival
arrival time
date of arrival
station of arrival
arrival and sailing
point of destination
place of destination
place of arrival
destination Noun, Tourism
time of arrival
arrival and sailings
f.o.b. destination point
freight payable at destination
final destination
estimated time of arrival
expected time of arrival
estimated time of arrival
conventional heir
substituted heir
conventional heir
conventional heir
appointed heir
to be heir to an estate Verb
to be heir to an estate Verb
to serve someone heir to a property Verb
to make someone one's heir Verb
to institute someone as one's heir Verb
to succeed to sb's rights Verb
(third generation) heir collateral
legal successor
heir at law
heir apparent
joint heir
to be coparcener Verb
to succeed to the throne Verb
singular successor
general heir
varicose veins
varicose vein
elastic stockings Noun
to declare oneself as heir Verb
to claim to be heir Verb
to succeed Verb
to inherit Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Varmak işi ve tarzı

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