1. careful
  2. alive
  3. awake
  4. alert
  5. wary
  6. crisp
  7. watchful
  8. waking
  9. guarded
  10. sleepless
  11. vigilant
  12. observant
  13. perky
  14. ware
  15. slippy
  16. fly
  17. wakeful
  18. piquant
  19. lidless
  20. hep
  21. trig
  22. leery
  23. brisk
  24. conscious
  25. switched on
  26. with it
  27. argus eyed
  28. canny
  29. live
  30. slumberless
  31. advertent
  32. alive to
  33. Argus-eyed
  34. on (one's) guard
  35. on the watch
wide awake
to stay up Fiil
to wake Fiil
to be on the ball Fiil
to be on the alert Fiil
to guard Fiil
to up to par Fiil
to stay up late Fiil

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Uyanmış veya ... olmayan, uyumayan