1. old
  2. declared
  3. incontestable
  4. known
  5. couth
most widely-known Sıfat
most widely-recognized Sıfat
most widely-known Sıfat
to be widely known
to be common property
old hand
famous Sıfat
of known identity
of recognized standing
such are the known facts
state-of-the-art results İsim
the last-known place of abode
known fact
common knowledge
to dish up well-known facts in a new form Fiil
the last-known place of abode
evident fact
to move in … circles Fiil
reputed father
such are the known facts
secret de polichinelle
common knowledge
primary language
to move in high society Fiil
prior art İsim, Hukuk
state-of-the-art İsim, Hukuk

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Bir denklemde ... nicelik, mâlûm