1. before
  2. coram
in the presence of ... Zarf
coram sectatoribus
at bar Zarf, Hukuk
before a notary public Zarf
in the presence of witnesses Zarf
in the hearing of strangers
in the presence of an officer
to underlie the law Fiil
document drawn up before a lawyer
to lead in prayer Fiil, Din ve İnanç
to count money before sb Fiil
public execution
trial by the country
to acknowledge something in (before the) court Fiil
to enter into one's own recognizances Fiil
judicial confession
to plead before the court Fiil
to testify before a court Fiil
to be concluded before a notary (public Fiil
to be concluded before a notary public Fiil
document drawn up before a notary
documents drawn up before a lawyer İsim
gift under seal
promise under seal
public speaking
examination before a magistrate