1. profitable
  2. beneficial
  3. lucrative
  4. Sıfat advantageous
  5. salutary
  6. juicy
  7. remunerative
  8. gainful
  9. big time
  10. lush
  11. moneymaking
  12. lucriferous
  13. fat
  14. fructuous
mutually profitable
lucrative transactions
lucrative office
to have found a lucrative engagement Fiil
good marriage
profitable price
profitable fas
profitable enterprise
remunerative undertaking
remunerative business
lucrative business
lucrative position
weather gauge
lucrative trade
paying concern
profitable employment
lucrative interest
fat job
remunerative work
profitable business
ac at a profit (profitably) Fiil
to live on one's purchase Fiil
to hive off profitable activities to the private sector Fiil
profitable operation
profitable employment
profitable trade
profitable profession
remunerative employment
profitable operation
to be profitable Fiil
to sell at a premium Fiil
profitable speculation
remunerative investment
profitable investment
earning investment
attractive investment
paying investment
remunerative undertaking
to invest advantageously Fiil
low-profit work
to find a transaction profitable Fiil
to work a mine at a pims Fiil
to put a company on the more profitable road Fiil
money spinner
to be a licence to print money Fiil
to be profitable for all Fiil
to put a business on a paying basis Fiil
to lay out one's money profitably Fiil
to invest capital profitably Fiil
covered with snow
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Cümle
snowy weather
profitable business
lucrative business
white christmas

Kar yağışlı
Kâr getiren, kazançlı, rantabl