1. gradual
  2. (mil) by or in echelons
  3. (arch) stopped
  4. phaseal
mid-level İsim
multiple switch
graded contribution
graduated deterrence
graduated deterrent
in echelon
progressive education
graduated pension plan
graduated interest
differential price
graduated price
adjustable price
graduated fas
sliding-scale rrps İsim
adjusted discount
shifting use
chain discount
compound engine
by progressive stages
gradually Zarf
step rocket
multiple stage sales tax
web defence
graduated pension part
graduated tariff
graduated rate
progression wages İsim
progressive rates of taxation
progressive scale of tax rates
progressive tax
progression tax
graded tax
multistage tax
cumulative tax table
taxation by stages
progressivity of taxation
progressive taxation
cumulative multistage system
to approximate price progressively Fiil
progressive approximations
to phase out a tax Fiil
multistage sampling
multistage rocket
two-tier organization
progressive abolition (reneval) of restrictions
progressive removal of restrictions
single- tier authority
single-tier authority
one- stage tax

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Basamak basamak, ... ederek yükselen