1. writer
  2. secretary
  3. amanuensis
  4. girl friday
patronage secretary
third secretary
secretary of state
secretary of state İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
secretary of the managing director
county clerk
(US) county clerk
management secretary
managerial secretary
executive secretary
junior minister
continuity girl
clerk of the assembly
president of a trade union
trade-union secretary
trade union- secretary
secretary of the managing director
(US) executive secretary
executive secretary
first rate secretary
first rate secretary
permanent secretary
clerk typist-
competent secretary
secretary with knowledge of languages
secretary with a knowledge of languages
secretary general
general secretary
efficient secretary
lady secretary
private secretary
confidential secretary
shorthand secretary
corresponding secretary
executive secretary
to act as secretary Fiil
secretarial duties İsim
to advertise for a secretary Fiil
typist's chair
secretarial help
secretarial assistance
to take a secretary Fiil
to engage someone as secretary Fiil
to employ someone as secretary Fiil
to employ someone as secretary Fiil
Office of Deputy Secretary-General for Information and Information Services İsim, Kurum İsimleri
Office of Deputy Secretary-General of Administrative, Financial and Technical Services İsim, Kurum İsimleri
Office of Deputy Secretary-General of National Palaces İsim, Kurum İsimleri
Office of Deputy Secretary-General of Legislative and Auditing Services İsim, Kurum İsimleri

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Resmî dâirelerde, ... steno vb