
  1. İsim, Ekonomi speculation
  2. adventure
  3. spec
  4. agiotage
  5. jobbing
  6. wildcat finance
speculation in gold
land jobbing
real-estate venture
gambling on the stock exchange
speculation on the stock exchange
currency (exchange) speculation
currency speculation
foreign exchange speculation
land jobbing
speculation on price
real estate venture
real-estate speculation
(US) speculation in stocks
speculation in stocks
(Br) stock adventure
speculation on price
currency speculation
jobbing in bills
speculation in futures
lucky venture
bad speculation
to turn out a good speculation
unbridled speculation
profitable speculation
unlucky speculation
pure gamble
hazardous speculation
risky speculation
speculative purpose
speculation speculative purchase
to lose speculation Fiil
speculative value
speculative price
speculative venture
(US) speculative stock
speculative stock
to venture money in speculation Fiil
speculative undertaking
speculative business
speculative trading
speculative dealings İsim
to dabble in speculative concerns Fiil
speculative descriptions İsim
floating stock İsim
speculative profit
speculative pims
speculative gain
speculative credit
mushroom enterprise
speculative interest
speculative security
speculatives purchases İsim
highways of speculation İsim
speculative money
playing the market
to trade on Fiil
to speculate Fiil
speculative investments İsim
to speculate in atomic shares Fiil
to buy something on (as a) speculation Fiil
bullish tendency (tone)
to speculate on the stock exchange Fiil
to speculative on the stock exchange Fiil
ac on the exchange Fiil
to gamble on the stock exchange Fiil
to dabble (play) the stock market Fiil
to dabble in the stocks Fiil
to speculative in shares Fiil
to speculative about the future of humanity Fiil
to speculate about the future of humanity Fiil

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Faraziye ve tahmîne dayanan, ispatlanmamış ve ... kazanmamış düşünce, iddia, faraziye1