
urgent need
urgent necessity
prime necessity
urgent want
pressing need
pressing necessity
emergency repairs Noun
minimum supply Noun
utility goods Noun
a month's supply
to look to someone to do something Verb
to cut off sb's supplies Verb
to look to someone Verb
to need something for something Verb
to lack something Verb
to not lack for something Verb
entire need
to require greater liquidity Verb
training needs analysis Noun, Human Resources
deferred demand
household commodities Noun
initial concurrent spare parts Noun
daily ration
current goods Noun
to need protection against the weather Verb
vital necessity
to lack for nothing Verb
exigency exigence
something needed
necessity Noun
poverty Noun
requirement Noun
certificate of necessity
necessity is the mother of invention
hardship grant Noun, Education-Training
change of requirement
current needs Noun
financial situation Noun
financial standing Noun
requirements Noun
needs Noun
to require Verb
to want Verb
to look to Verb
to lack Verb
to need Verb
to come through with something Verb
required goods Noun
in case of need
as may be required
to intervene in case of need Verb
to be in want Verb
consumption voucher
personal loan Noun, Banking
consumer loan
demand schedules
demand schedule
list of requirements
desiderata list
perishable commodities Noun
goods of the first order Noun
hard goods Noun
(US) hard goods Noun
bathroom break Noun
necessitous selling
in times of need
sophisticated industry Noun
stores requisition
urgent need
flagrant necessity
case of absolute necessity Noun
cash requirement
conventional necessities Noun
private want
not much required
psychological need Noun, Psychology
for domestic use
dire necessity
to be in a good state of repair Verb
necessity Noun
basic need Noun, Psychoanalysis
essential goods Noun
basic commodities Noun
nonessential goods Noun
trade supplies Noun
overall economic demand
to be short of hands Verb
to create a new want Verb
necessary article Noun
imperious necessity
necessity Noun

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