sahip olmak

  1. Verb to get possession
  2. Verb to possess
  3. Verb to become the owner of
  4. Verb to have sexual intercourse with a virgin
  5. Verb to acquire
  6. Verb to have
  7. Verb to hold
  8. Verb to own
to have the necessary qualifications (for a post) Verb
to be entitled to ... Verb
to have all the makings of ... Verb
to own a % interest in ... Verb, Management
to have the monopoly of Verb
to have jurisdiction over … Verb, Law
to have jurisdiction of … Verb, Law
to be vested with power to pardon Verb
to retain the use of all one's faculties Verb
to have a disposition to take offense Verb
to fit the bill Verb
to hold in demesne Verb
to have a handle to one's name Verb
to be of binding authority Verb
to possess certain rights Verb
to have in place a ... Verb
to be in the possession of a family Verb
to have a secondhand knowledge Verb
to be eligible for membership in a society Verb
to own a house jointly Verb
to hold a right Verb
to know one's way about Verb
to have a thorough knowledge of sth Verb
to know one's onions Verb
to possess something jointly Verb
to dispose of a quota Verb
to be qualified for a post Verb
to qualify for an office Verb
to own a motor vehicle Verb
to have something in one's own right Verb
to have the first call on sth Verb
to have the freedom of sth Verb
to gain possession of sth Verb
to be in possession of sth Verb
to have something in one's possession Verb
to be able to afford to buy sth Verb
to have a surplus of sth Verb
to have a surplus of sth Verb
to own a trademark Verb
to hold Verb
to have the exclusive rights in a production Verb
to have sb's testimony Verb
to hold power of attorney of sb Verb
to share someone's belief Verb
to hold in common Verb
to have a property 100% rented at all times Verb
to be critically important Verb
to be ready in apprehension Verb
to have a quick temper Verb
to be quick learner Verb
to have a majority on the board Verb
to swing a majority Verb
to command majority support Verb
to hold majority power Verb
to have equal rights Verb
to have large powers of initiative Verb
to be gifted with entrepreneurial spirit Verb
to be of the first order of importance Verb
to be critically important Verb
to want for nothing Verb
to have free exit at all times Verb
to have something to offer Verb
to have a privileged position Verb
to have free agency Verb
to fit the bill Verb
to be well placed Verb
to be well placed Verb
to be smart at figures Verb
to get a good start in life Verb
to have a good sense of direction Verb
to be eligible for admission Verb
to have the privilege of being admitted Verb
to qualify as a captain Verb
to rank in dividend rights Verb
to have entire disposal of one's estate Verb
to lack an outright majority Verb
to enforce a claim in court Verb
to enforce a claim in court Verb
to have the disposition of property Verb
to have the disposition of property Verb
to have financial autonomy Verb
to repossess goods Verb
to acquire by inheritance Verb
to own as heir Verb
to acquire by inheritance Verb
to own a motor vehicle Verb
to have the monopoly of Verb
to hold one tenth of the paid-up capital Verb
to see your way Verb
to be in a fair way Verb
to possess jointly Verb
to preponderate in voting Verb
to carry voting rights Verb
to be vested with discretion Verb
to hold controlling interest Verb
to qualify for an examination Verb
to qualify oneself Verb
to hold on hire purchase Verb
to have a free hand Verb
to have full discretion to act Verb
to have a single track mind Verb
to have the exclusive production rights Verb
to be eligible for promotion Verb
to own a trademark Verb
to have jurisdiction in disputes Verb
to stand Verb
to have the authority of the governor Verb
to rank as a citizen Verb
to possess a right of veto Verb
to repossess Verb
to have a majority on the board Verb
to stand Verb