
  1. Noun topak, tomar, tutam.
    a wad of hair. a wad of gum.
  2. Noun (yün, pamuk, vb.,) parça, yumak, tıkaç, tampon.
    He plugged his ears with wads of cotton to keep out the noise.
  3. Noun (kâğıt, banknot, vb.) deste, tomar.
    He stuck a wad of paper into the crack to keep the window from rattling.
  4. Noun tüfek sıkısı.
  5. Noun küme, deste, yığın (para).
    He took a wad out of his pocket.
  6. Noun (ot, saman, vb.) yığın, küme.
  7. Noun servet, zenginlik, külliyetli para.
    He made his wad in real estate.
  8. Noun manganez oksit cevheri.
  9. Noun (bkz: pledge ), (bkz: wager )
  10. Transitive Verb kümelemek, tomar yapmak, destelemek.
    He wadded up the paper and threw it into the waste basket.
  11. Transitive Verb tampon koymak, tamponla yerinde tutmak.
  12. Transitive Verb tıkaç koymak, (tüfek) sıkılamak/sıkıştırmak.
    to wad a gun. to wad a charge in a gun.
  13. Transitive Verb (bkz: would ).
  14. Transitive Verb (bkz: wed )
bütün servetini bahse yatırmak.
servetini har vurup harman savurmak.
banknot destesi
sıkıca bohçalamak, sarmak.