1. Zarf purposely
  2. Zarf deliberately
  3. Zarf conveniently
  4. Zarf expressly
  5. knowingly
  6. Zarf intentionally
  7. in the knowledge that
  8. advisedly
  9. comprehendingly
  10. Sıfat conscious
to take for a ride Fiil
knowingly and wilfully Zarf
knowingly and willingly Zarf
knowingly and willfully Zarf
by accident or design Zarf
take for a ride
voluntary waste
mischievous Sıfat
to vandalize Fiil
to speak with inside knowledge Fiil
to let drop something Fiil
to let fall something Fiil
to speak with full knowledge of the facts Fiil
knowingly and willingly assisting an armed terrorist organization without being its member İsim, Hukuk