1. Fiil to abide
  2. Fiil to abut
  3. Fiil to bear with sb
  4. Fiil to bide
  5. Fiil to brook
  6. Fiil to continue
  7. Fiil to face
  8. Fiil to figure on
  9. Fiil to go
  10. Fiil to ground on
  11. Fiil to hang in
  12. Fiil to hang on
  13. Fiil to hinge
  14. Fiil to hold water
  15. Fiil to lean against
  16. Fiil to lean upon
  17. Fiil to outstand
  18. Fiil to recline
  19. Fiil to rely
  20. Fiil to repose
  21. Fiil to rest upon
  22. Fiil to stomach
  23. Fiil to go through accounts
  24. Fiil to tolerate
  25. Fiil to withstand
  26. Fiil to be based on
  27. Fiil to rely on
  28. Fiil to resist
  29. Fiil (clothing) to wear well
  30. Fiil to endure
  31. Fiil to put up with
  32. Fiil to arrive at
  33. Fiil to push
  34. Fiil to shove
  35. Fiil to carry
  36. Fiil to stabilize
  37. Fiil to lean
  38. Fiil to bear
  39. Fiil to hold
  40. Fiil to keep
  41. Fiil to last
  42. Fiil to rest
  43. Fiil to stand
  44. Fiil to stand up
  45. Fiil to stick
  46. Fiil to sustain
  47. Fiil to take
  48. build upon
to maintain a firm attitude Fiil
to be predicated on ... Fiil
to be founded on documents Fiil
to stand out against an enemy Fiil
to start from the fact Fiil
to rely upon a case Fiil
to take one's stand on a letter Fiil
to last an hour Fiil
to abut on sth Fiil
to be based Fiil
to last someone ten years Fiil
to rely on sb's authority Fiil
to be founded upon something Fiil
to be grounded in something Fiil
to consist in something Fiil
to bear with something Fiil
to evolve out of something Fiil
to act on something Fiil
to be grounded on something Fiil
to act upon something Fiil
to be founded on something Fiil
to deal with something Fiil
to be more factual Fiil
to outwear Fiil
to bear on one's elbow Fiil
to proceed on the footing that it is ture Fiil
to bottom Fiil
to endure misfortune Fiil
to be founded on facts Fiil
to come down to something Fiil
to stand any amount of hardwear Fiil
to stand any amount of hard wear Fiil
to stand the pace Fiil
to rely upon statements Fiil
to be upon one Fiil
to be in store Fiil
to be pounding at the door Fiil
to near the knuckle Fiil
to be pressing against the barriers Fiil
to assess on figures Fiil
to face competition Fiil
to die in the last ditch Fiil
to stay the course Fiil
to hold out to the end Fiil
to stand the gaff Fiil
to be based on supposition Fiil
to be based on mere suppositions Fiil
to wear for years Fiil

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Kendini dayamak, ... yaslamak, abanmak