1. İsim warehouse
  2. İsim tank
  3. İsim storage
  4. İsim storage tank
  5. İsim storage room
  6. İsim container
  7. İsim store
  8. İsim reservoir
  9. İsim storehouse
  10. İsim receptacle
  11. İsim storeroom
  12. İsim stock room
  13. İsim stockroom
  14. İsim depot
  15. İsim depository
  16. İsim repository
filled up İsim
subsistence stores İsim
freezing chamber İsim
active money depots İsim
arsenal İsim
base depot İsim
idle money depots İsim
chandlery İsim
gas tank İsim, Ulaşım
petrol storage İsim
gasoline storage İsim
gasoline tank İsim
petrol store İsim
petrol tank İsim
benzine container İsim
fuel tank İsim
tank farm İsim
feeding head İsim
cycle depot İsim
magazine İsim
garbage tank İsim
distribution warehouse İsim
lean- to shed İsim
naval stores İsim
pharmaceutical warehouse İsim, Farmakoloji
effective stock İsim
commodity warehouse İsim
warehouse İsim
packing house İsim
factory stores İsim
industrial inventory İsim
supplies in a factory İsim
film library İsim
gas tank İsim
gasholder İsim
y's stores İsim
customs warehouse İsim
customs yard İsim
licensed warehouse İsim
rough (raw material) store İsim
air ammunition depot İsim
replenishing stock İsim
supply depot İsim
fuel yard İsim
timber depot İsim
lumberyard İsim
timberyard İsim
custodian warehouse İsim
container depot İsim
coal bank İsim
coal yard İsim
file store İsim
goods depository İsim
(Br) goods depository İsim
stock room İsim
goods depot İsim
repository of goods İsim
store shed İsim
supply depot İsim
supply store İsim
contractor's store İsim
furniture warehouse İsim
chandlery İsim
general depot İsim
ordinance department İsim
depot İsim
(US) car depot İsim
car depot İsim
premium reserve deposit İsim
reserve stock İsim
armory İsim
war arsenal İsim
armory İsim, Askerlik
windshield washer reservoir Otomotiv Sanayii
freezer room İsim, Gıda ve Mutfak
cool room İsim, Gıda ve Mutfak
cold room İsim, Gıda ve Mutfak
storage room İsim
water tank İsim, İnşaat
(military) equipment depot İsim
commercial warehouse İsim
commercial warehouse İsim
wholesale stock İsim
wholesale warehouse İsim
bulk storage İsim
tram shed İsim
transit storehouse İsim
transit shed İsim
entrepot İsim
Livestock Warehouse of Türk Geldi Facilities İsim, Kurum İsimleri
oil reservoir İsim
grease retainer İsim
fuel storage tank İsim
fuel storage premises İsim
fueloil depot İsim
fuel tank İsim, Ulaşım
fuel storage İsim
buffer warehouse İsim
parts depot İsim
depot for spares İsim
mattamore İsim
goods depot İsim
freight shed İsim
high level file store İsim
main depot
principal warehouse
military stores
field warehouse
leased store
lease store
store for rent
central depot
private warehouse
stock pile
auxiliary tank
floating warehouse
floating storage
depot maintenance
storage building İsim
stock size
stock turnover İsim
stock figure
storage audit
depot support
to store up Fiil
to reposit Fiil
shrinkage of stocks
outlay for inventory İsim
incoming stock
inventory woes İsim
warehouse porter
depot account
store account
replenishment of supplies
depot supply
stock rebate
tank cap
stock catalog (ue)
store hire
store rent
storage rent
warehouse rent
store control
store control
warehouse receipt
stock articles
stock İsim
storage goods İsim
storage space
warrant clerk
warehouse clerk
inventory quantity
deposit holdings
left-over stocks
trading stocks
storing place
stock- record division İsim
depot accounting İsim
store accounting İsim
storing number
storage rack
storage risk
warehouse owner
depot symbol
warrant for goods
depository receipt İsim, Bankacılık
stock policy İsim
store order
warehouse stock
warehouse manager
stock requisitions İsim
stock cut
inventory liquidation
ex store
store charges
storage interest
storage cost
depot charges
warehouse charges İsim
stock manager

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Eşyâ, malzeme vb