to celebrate a marriage Fiil
to take to wife Fiil
to marry Fiil
to take in matrimony Fiil
to get married Fiil
to change one's conditions Fiil
to splice Fiil
to walk down the aisle Fiil
to wed sb Fiil
to tie the knot Fiil
to change one's condition Fiil
to take someone in marriage Fiil
to hitch Fiil
to go down the aisle Fiil
to step off the carpet Fiil
to wed Fiil
to make a match of it Fiil
to marry without the knowledge of one's parents Fiil
to marry without the knowledge of one's parents Fiil
to marry without the knowledge of one's parents Fiil
to espouse Fiil
to pair off with a shop girl Fiil
to get married before the superintendent registrar Fiil
lonely hearts İsim
to go about with Fiil
to be on the point of getting married Fiil
to be married in strict privacy Fiil
to marry into a business Fiil
to church marriage Fiil
to be married at a registry Fiil
to marry money Fiil
to marry money Fiil
to end up by marrying Fiil
to marry below one's station Fiil
to marry in the nobility Fiil
to marry by proxy Fiil
to remarry Fiil
to contract a new marriage Fiil
to marry again Fiil

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