1. vacuum
to be still on the slip Fiil
to be still at large Fiil
to be still fresh in one's memory Fiil
to prove someone still alive Fiil
to owe for one's house Fiil
to be fresh in one's mind Fiil
related in the collateral line
father's sister
paternal aunt
collateral ancestors
large sums still owing İsim
large sums still owing İsim
still in its infancy Fiil
to owe for one's house Fiil
to stand Fiil
to survive intact Fiil
to be still on the books Fiil
still living witness
still living witness
to be still going like the clappers Fiil
to be still on the drawing board Fiil
to be still in vigour Fiil
to be still in force Fiil
the machine is still fit for use
to live on borrowed time Fiil
our offer still stands

Babanın kız kardeşi
Bir cisim ... edilen boşluk
Bu zamâna ... bile, hâlen