1. busy
  2. pragmatic
  3. occupied
  4. engaged
  5. full
  6. tied up
  7. busy (with
  8. preoccupied (with
  9. concerned (with
  10. (telephone lines) busy
  11. (place) which is occupied or in use
  12. full of
fully occupied
hard at it
the line is busy
he is not available at the moment
(telephone) number engaged
busy period
to tax Fiil
to busy Fiil
to occupy Fiil
to distract Fiil
to employ Fiil
to preposess Fiil
engaged line İletişim
(Br) (telephone) engaged line
the engaged signal
circuit- busy signal
number engaged İletişim
to care for Fiil
to work Fiil
to engage Fiil
to tie up Fiil
busy signal Telekomünikasyon
busy signal Telekomünikasyon
tight schedule
to be tied up with other things Fiil
to be occupied in translating a novel Fiil
to personally handle an order Fiil
to employ oneself with sth Fiil
to busy oneself with sth Fiil
to busy one's self with sth Fiil
to engage someone in something Fiil
to hold in check Fiil
to engage someone in something Fiil
to engage in doing something Fiil
to engage in something Fiil
I'll enquire into the matter personally
to pretend to be very busy Fiil
to have something on one's hands Fiil
to engage the line for 20 minutes Fiil
to engage the line for twenty minutes Fiil
to engage the lob for twenty minutes Fiil
to be on business Fiil
to be on business Fiil
to carry on Fiil
to toy Fiil
to go about one's lawful occasions Fiil
to engage in Fiil
to genealogize Fiil
to be busy with writing Fiil
to be preoccupy ied Fiil
to obsess Fiil
to fill sb's mind Fiil

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