1. let it happen
  2. if only
Happy birthday! Cümle, Deyim
Many happy returns of the day! Cümle, Deyim
Many happy returns! Cümle, Deyim
God bless you for what you have done
coute que coute
it's worth the sacrifice
for any purpose whatsoever Zarf
in any form whatsoever Zarf
in any manner whatsoever Zarf
regular savings account
for any reason whatsoever Zarf
for any reason whatsoever Zarf
in any form whatsoever Zarf
in any manner whatsoever Zarf
by dsc means or foul
by any means whatsoever Zarf
no matter whoever it is
in any manner whatsoever Zarf
no matter how ...
regardless of
for what it is worth
irrespective of
at a venture
without reference to
no matter what Zarf
at all events
Be that as it may Zarf
for all the world
by any measure
(Fr.) coute que coute
so be it
all right
absolute cost advantage
Anything you say Cümle
upon any terms
thank goodness
I wouldn't have expected this from you
thank you very much (said after eating a meal offered by sb
have a good appetite
Bon appetit.
I'll take a rain check.
to be past caring what happens Fiil
Just so you know, ... Zarf
to do something as a caution to others Fiil
by way of a change
to turn out to a lecture Fiil
At any rate,
Better late than never. Cümle
May you recover soon
Let me know.
know that
Just so you know, ... Zarf
May you get no benefit from it
May it bring good luck!
Let's hope for the best!
... come hell or high water Zarf
to make an example of one Fiil
to not to be at home to anyone Fiil
It doesn't matter who he is.
as a matter of convenience
just to make conversation
Blow it! Cümle
May she rest in peace.
May he rest in peace.
... come hell or high water Zarf
come what may ! whatever happens
hard-nosed business
to steal business at any price Fiil
to buck for sth Fiil
it serves him right
to gloat over Fiil
Fair enough.
As you wish.
It's all right
Accidents will happen. Cümle
Never mind
Keep it.
just for kicks
regardless of the consequences
I hope you enjoy (ed) it (said to someone eating or drinking) oil pressure
to cut one's losses Fiil