
  1. justice
  2. Noun equity
  3. Noun probity
  4. act of justice
  5. law
  6. jus
  7. reason
  8. jus ( in latin)
Justice and Development Party Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
Justice and judicial activities (NACE code: O84.2.3) Noun, Trades-Professions
judicious Adjective
criminal justice system Noun, Law
transitional justice Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Conferring upon the European
Court of Human Rights Competence to Give Advisory Opinions
Noun, International Law
distributive justice
necktie party
civil justice
police justice
equity of taxation
tax justice
summary justice
military justice
criminal justice
retributive justice
natural justice
poetic justice
divine justice Noun, Religion-Faith
commutative justice
retributive justice
restorative justice Noun, Law
restorative justice Noun, Law
venal justice
social justice
poetic justice
distributive justice
social justice
fair wages Noun, Employment
International justice
Minister of Justice
solicitor general
justice department
department of justice
Ministry of Justice Proper Name, Organizations
Revolving Fund Management of the Ministry of Justice Noun, Organizations
dispensation of justice
to dispense justice Verb
to distribute justice Verb
to administer justice Verb
to meet out justice Verb
to dispense a law Verb
court of justice Noun
judgment of the Court of Justice
sense of justice
equity Noun, Law
equitable obligation
Committee on Justice Noun, Organizations
judicial authorities Noun
to put in an appearance in court Verb
Justice Party Proper Name, Political Parties
Court of Justice
justice system Noun, Law
scales of justice
in the cause of justice
Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Noun
cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs
right and equity
court of chancery Noun, Law
equity suit Noun
equity suit Noun
fair and equitable value
fair and equitable value
Justice is served. Law
(Lat.) fiat justitia Law
european court of justice Noun, European Union
to pursue a fugitive from justice Verb
to offend one's sense of justice Verb
to submit a dispute to the court of justice Verb
to demand justice for sb Verb
Permanent Court of International Justice
public order and justice minister Noun, Public Administration
international court of justice
area of freedom, security and justice
to submit a dispute to the court of justice Verb
High Court of Justice
Supreme Court of Justice
Department of Military Justice Affairs Noun, Organizations
Military Justice Inspection Board Noun, Organizations
Department of Military Justice Inspection Board Noun, Organizations
European Court of Justice (ECJ) Noun
Court of Justice of the European Union Noun, European Union
Court of Justice of the European Communities Noun, European Union
European Court of Justice Noun, European Union
Court of Justice of the European Union Noun, European Union
Court of Justice of the European Communities Noun, European Union
Court of Justice of the European Communities (ECJ) Noun
case-law of the European Court of Justice Noun
Court of Justice of the European Communities Noun, European Union
Court of Justice of the European Union Noun, European Union
European Court of Justice Noun, European Union
Court of Justice of the European Communities (CJEC) Noun
United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice Proper Name, Law
Tribunal of the Hague Noun
Hague Tribunal Noun
International Court of Justice in the Hague Noun, Law
Justice Academy of Turkey Noun, Organizations
International Court of Justice Noun, International Law
Statute of the International Court of Justice Noun, International Law
International Court of Justice (ICJ)

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Hak ve hukūka uyma, herkesin hakkını ... doğruluktan ayrılmama, hakkāniyet, adl