
  1. store
  2. bond
  3. bonded warehouse
  4. bounded warehouse
  5. warehouse
  6. entrepot
  7. wharfage
  8. chandlery
  9. store warehouse
  10. principal store
locked warehouse Noun
customs shed Noun
bonded shed Noun
bonded warehouse Noun
storage warehouse Noun
bonded store Noun
public store Noun
appraiser's store Noun
bond store Noun
general-order store Noun
customs warehouse Noun
bonded warehouse Noun
bonded zone Noun
sufferance wharf Noun
cold storage plant Noun
transit warehousing Noun
bonded warehouse
warehouse receipt
warehouse keeper's order
to store in a warehouse Verb
warehouse books Noun
warehousing costs Noun
warehouse charges Noun
entry for warehousing
warehousing entry
bond note
antrepot port
entrepot port
warehousing port
warehouse port
warehouse receipt
warehouse keeper
warehousing system
warehouse system
to sell in bond
sale in bonded warehouse
ex-bonded warehouse
warehouse facilities Noun
entrepot trade
wharf dues
settled market
nonnegotiable warehouse receipt
nonnegotiable warehouse receipt
warehouse system
warehouse goods Noun
wool staple

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Vergi ve harçları ödenmemiş gümrüğe tâbi ... bir çeşit ambar, ardiye