
  1. Noun araba.
  1. Noun machine
  2. Noun automobile
  3. Noun car
horse cart wagon
horseless carriage Noun, Transport
low mil e age- car
defective car
economical car
economy sized car
economy car
electric car Noun, Automotive
secondhand car
(Fr.) cabriolet
junk heap
knockdown kit
ideal car
carriage and pair
used car Noun, Transport
private line car
motor car
contract vehicle
hire car
hired car
(Fr.) cabriolet
baby car
compact car
cycle car
car de luxe
quality car
fitter's trolley
motor vehicle
front-wheel drive car
economy sized car
private motor car
private car
expensive car
platform car
dumped car
production car
sports car Transport
sports model
driverless car, self-driving car Noun, Automotive
business car
transit car
car parked sideways on the kerb
replacement car
new car
domestic car
high powered-car
high-powered car
car accessory Transport
auto accessory Transport
car alarm Transport
purchase of a car
cart horse
coach horse
trace horse
auto maintenance
wagon lock
by cartloads
headlight Noun, Land Transport
headlamp Noun, Land Transport
car headlamps Noun, Land Transport
car headlights Noun, Land Transport
car brake
carriage entrance
car (motor) theft
junkyard Transport
inner tube
drive back
to ride around Verb
to cart Verb
registration number of a car
auto accident
renting of cars
rent-a-car company
to take a car on hire Verb
to rent a car Verb
to charter a car Verb
to hire a car Verb
car rental
truck jack Noun
wagon jack Noun
car jack Noun
fit to drive
licence license to drive a car
to drive a car Verb
queue of cars
tyre replacement
to fit on a tyre Verb
to fix a tyre Verb
to let out the air of the tyres Verb
make of car Noun
junkyard Transport
number of a car
auto part Noun, Transport
(Br) car park
car pound
car park
fleet of motorcars
fleet owner
fleet manager
carpooling Noun, Transport
licence plate Noun
registration document
licence to operate a motor vehicle
licence license to operate a motor vehicle
car chassis
car frame
stream of cars
auto insurance rates
motor car insurance Noun
(Br) motor car insurance Noun
auto insurance Noun
auto insurance claim
cab driver
unfitness to drive
to hack Verb
fitness to drive
operator of a car
auto mechanic Noun, Employment
auto bumper
cart wheel
coach wheel
carriage wheel
truck caster
to be car sick
coach body Noun
car body Noun
ferry boat
passage boat
ship ro-ro
car ferry
car wash
to wash a car Verb
auto-travel insurance Noun
wag g onway
car load
to drive out main street Verb
parcel of lies
this car is very cheap to run
to drive with caution Verb
used-car sales Noun
rental car company
private car motorist
to drive while uninsured Verb
deflated tyre
to renew one's tyres (tires ,) Verb
spare tyres Noun
to drive at walking speed Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. At, eşek, öküz gibi hayvanlar tarafından ... taşıyan tekerlekli kara taşıtı