
  1. bob
  2. ray
  3. bunch
  4. cluster
  5. batch
  6. bundle
  7. bank
  8. aggregate
  9. plump
  10. sheaf
  11. wisp
  12. faggot
  13. truss
  14. bar
  15. wad
  16. bouquet
  17. block
  18. gabion
  19. tuft
  20. (flowers) bunch
  21. (grain) sheaf
  22. fasciation
bunch of keys
a bunch of roses
beam of rays
pencil of light
to sheaf Verb
in sheaves
in bunches
to cluster Verb
to tie in shelves Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Çiçek veya bitkilerin bir araya getirilip ... tutam, deste, bağ, bağlam