
  1. Noun, Language-Literature future
  2. ahead
  3. forthcoming
  4. coming
  5. unborn
  6. oncoming
  7. upcoming
  8. by-and-by
  9. next
  10. years ahead
  11. tomorrow
outlook for stocks
business future
maturity three months after date of issue
dark future
common future Noun
economic bright-outlook
bright prospects
dull prospects
healthy future
bright outlook for trade
remote future
near future
immediate future
next month
to fall due next month Verb
to be payable on the 15th propayable . Verb
payable on the 15th propayable .
Income Relating to Future Months Noun, Accounting
Income Relating to Future Months and Expense Accruals Noun, Accounting
Prepaid Expenses for Future Months Noun, Accounting
science of future
next time
this day week
to come up for hearing next week Verb
to come up for hearing next Verb
to be scheduled for the next week Verb
to have numerous engagements for next week Verb
to come next week Verb
to come on next week Verb
to put off until next week Verb
life to come
to take something as a good omen Verb
prospective employment
to save for the future Verb
to make plans for the future Verb
to lay up in lavender Verb
to put by Verb
to put by for the future Verb
to prognostications into the future Verb
to unfold one's plans for the future Verb
to save in anticipation of the future Verb
to save in anticipation of the future Verb
to make provisions for the future Verb
provision for the future
with the next mail
to get off the train next station Verb
future earnings
coming generation
to deliver to posterity Verb
coming generation
posterity Noun
forthcoming session
to stand over until the next meeting Verb
forward s planning
by return of mail
to be continued in our next issue
to vote for the independent in the next election Verb
to vote for the independents next election Verb
next time
next year
this day next year
the future is on the knees of gods
future needs Noun
future orders
to arrange time and place for the next meeting Verb
to arrange time and place for the next meeting Verb
to stand over till next week Verb
auspicious Adjective
promising Adjective
next year
year- later
continuing appropriation
Inventories for Future Years Noun, Accounting
Income Relating to Future Periods Noun, Accounting
Income Relating to Future Periods and Expense Accruals Noun, Accounting
Prepaid Expenses for Future Years Noun, Accounting
VAT Deferred to Subsequent Years Accounting
Deductible VAT in Future Years Accounting
future tense
future time
to be heard next month
to be heard next month Verb
to reach an 8-10 % plateau next year Verb
(security) current drawing
to map out a future Verb
future prospects of an undertaking
to hold over a matter to the next meeting Verb
to roll over an advertisement to the next week Verb
correspondingly Adverb
to be continued in our next issue
link between past and the future
link between the past and the future
the aim is to achieve 3 % growth in the next year
conveniently Adverb
in the unlikely event that he came
to mark out for a brilliant future Verb
to remit the consideration of a matter until the next Verb
the agreement comes up for review for next year
to carry over stock from one season to the next Verb
to declare a tax loss against future earnings Verb
Greens and the Left Party of the Future Proper Name, Political Parties
Greens and the Left Party of the Future Proper Name, Organizations

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Gelmesi beklenen, ... gerçekleşeceği düşünülen