
  1. Verb, Textile Industry to extend
  2. Verb, Textile Industry to expand
  3. reinforce
  4. ease
  5. widen
  6. Verb, Information Technology to widen (to)
  7. eke
  8. Verb to amplify
  9. Verb to develop
  10. Verb to dilate
  11. Verb to enlarge
  12. outstretch
  13. Verb to widen
  14. Verb to broaden
expansion of claims Noun, Law
to widen your circle of friends Verb
to improve one's stocks of learning Verb
to widen a breach Verb
to widen a breach Verb
to widen a gap Verb
to strech a privilege Verb
to spread a lien Verb
to widen a road Verb
to broaden one's horizon Verb
to extend one's sphere of activities Verb
to extend the scope of one's activities Verb
to spread its business basis Verb
to extend the works Verb
to enlarge one's view Verb
to broaden the outlook Verb
to enlarge the area of operations Verb
to enlarge one's premises Verb
to widen one's interests Verb
to branch out Verb
to stretch a privilege Verb
to expand one's business Verb
to expand one's business Verb
to extend one's business Verb
to expend operations Verb
to expand operations Verb
to enlarge the scope of sth Verb
to expand credit Verb
to spread a lien Verb
to extend the city boundaries Verb
to extend the limits Verb
to expand the welfare rolls Verb
to enlarge one's circle of acquaintances Verb
to expand its plant Verb
to expand one's territory Verb
to extend one's territory Verb
to broaden the mind Verb
to broaden one's horizons Verb
to expand one's production facilities Verb
to expand one's producing facilities Verb
to extend one's jurisdiction Verb
to project authority Verb
to extend one's powers Verb
to extend one's power Verb
to enlarge the mind Verb
widening road

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Genişlemesini sağlamak, ... tevsî etmek