
  1. increase
  2. input
  3. Noun, Law amendment
  4. appendix
  5. Noun supplement
  6. Noun attachment
  7. supplementary
  8. enclosure
  9. Noun insertion
  10. inset
  11. coupling
  12. Noun enlargement
  13. insert
  14. adjunct
  15. annex
  16. supplementation
  17. annexation
  18. addendum
  19. adding
  20. appurtenance
  21. loose insert
  22. Noun addition
  23. subjoinder
  24. additional
insertion of a clause
economic attachment
dividend addition
supplementary accident insurance
dividend addition
capitalized surplus
additional tax
amendment to the constitution
enlargement to a building
interpolation Noun
amnesty plus Noun, Competition Law
further advance
further particulars Noun
extra luggage
extra edition
additional ticket
extra ticket
excess fare
for no extra fare
to build extensions Verb
to make a supplementary entry Verb
civil obligation
imputed interest
entrenched clauses Noun
added costs Noun
cost of the insert
interpolateed clause
insertion Noun
to supplement Verb
to append Verb
to add on Verb
to extend Verb
to annex Verb
to tack on Verb
to affix Verb
to introduce Verb
to subjoin Verb
to accompany Verb
to add Verb
extra fund
extra expenditure
excess costs Noun
extra task
extra duty
additional fee
supplementary charge
additional charge
to make an extra charge Verb
additional expenditure
extra charges Noun
extra services Noun
extension speaker
additional ecgd
extra discount
extra work
additional employee
additional employee employe
extra profit
additional dividend
additional contribution
additional housing
further copy
blind carbon copy
additional credit
extra pay
extra expenses
additional expense
additional expenses
extra expense insurance Noun
extra costs Noun
extras Noun
additional charges Noun
additional charges Noun
to be charged for extras Verb
to absorb the extras Verb
additional sum
supplementary lens
additional freight
extension room
to assess for additional payment Verb
extra allowance
extra bus
to put an extra coach Verb
additional postage
extra postage
extra premium
extra hour
additional requirements Noun
additional insurance
extra insurance
additional order
complete specification
additional charge
supplemental claim
additional claim
further instructions
added damages
additional award
additional dividend
extra dividend
additional security
further cover
expenditure on additional plant
additional delivery
extra train
to put on extra trains Verb
to run extra trains Verb
extra flight
to pay an extra charge Verb
to pay extra Verb
to pay on extra charge Verb
additional charges Noun
additional tax
to make an addition Verb
additional load
additional margin
to intercalate Verb
insurance of special risks
to interpolate a bank Verb
to raise a house two storeys Verb
to append a document to a dossier Verb
to build an extension to a hospital Verb
to make an addition Verb
to add to a list Verb
to make an addition Verb
to write in Verb
to insert a line Verb
to superimpose Verb
to embody a clause in a contract Verb
to throw in Verb
to add 10 percent to the bill for service Verb
to add a new wing to a hospital Verb
to add to a list Verb
hotel bedroom surplus
to institute special trains Verb
to announce officially Verb
to sauce Verb
capitalized surplus
to add to the capital Verb
to embody a clause in a contract Verb
to intercalate Verb
intercalary day
extension of carrier's lines Noun
executive fringes Noun

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Bir şeyin yanına başka bir şey ... ekleme, katma; eklenme, katılma