
  1. volta
  2. time
twice a month
monthly Adverb
bimonthly Adverb
twice a month
multiply Adverb
this time
frequently Adverb
usually Adverb
mostly Adverb
mainly Adverb
half- weekly
bimonthly Adverb
once for all
plenty of times
ten times
annually Adverb
... times in a row Adverb
yearly Adverb
annually Adverb
to be apparently news to sb Verb
to be read for the first time Verb
not to be in jeopardy of life for the same offence
to buy in a shop for the first time Verb
to give a bill its second reading Verb
to give a second reading for a bill Verb
nonrecurrent receipt
transient rate Advertising
once again
yet again
to have another go Verb
to think twice Verb
to further consideration Verb
to count over Verb
transient periodicals and newspapers Noun
disposable goods Noun
one-time black and white rate
to break fresh ground Verb
to premiere Verb
first offense Noun
to pass through several hands Verb
to pass through many hands Verb
to see the last of someone Verb
to strike out someone Verb, Baseball
to introduce something into something Verb
to introduce something to something Verb
to try your hand at something Verb
to set eyes on something Verb
to see the last of something Verb
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
to double-check Verb
to double check Verb
(US) second offence
second offense Noun
second offence
to cross- check Verb
in case of a second offense Noun
to break through its previous March peak Verb
case of first impression Noun, Law
one-time rate Advertising
to read for the first time Verb
he made two attempts at it
to be fresh from the country Verb
to dot the i's and cross the t's Verb
to take one's last curtain Verb
to strike out Verb, Baseball
turnover four times a year

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Defa, kere, sefer