
  1. midst
  2. in the course of
pendente lite
in litem
in the course of duty
at harvest time
at the time of ..
during the rule of
during a break in school
at the time of delivery
at the time of making the will
to intersperse a speech with quotations Verb
to take record of a speech Verb
aida (attention , interest , desire , action) Noun
to raise something into first priority Verb
to get hot over an argument Verb
to jam the enemy's stations during the war Verb
injury sustained in the line of duty
to get a turn of work in the harvest Verb
to be lost in transport Verb
to suffer in transport Verb
to have low priority Verb
to have first priority Verb
to have the highest priority Verb
to get top priorities Verb
to of top priority Verb
to put high in one's order of priority Verb
to jam the enemy's station during the war Verb
silent legis inter arma
to swing a district during the election Verb
service afloat
to serve afloat Verb
(US) holiday school
to rank for the july dividends Verb
right of stoppage in transit (to stoppage in transit)
in- flight service
to christen Verb