
  1. sale
  2. disposal
  3. selling
  4. sell
  5. vendition
to bail on someone Verb
You can't con a con artist. Sentence, Idioms
You can't con a conman. Sentence, Idioms
tying-in sales Competition Law
currency dealing
money changing
house to house selling
divestment Noun, Economics
no parade
selling below cost Noun, Competition Law
trading in option
privatization Noun
mail- order selling
mail-order selling
(US) to sell for future delivery
inclination to sell
selling right
to sell off Verb
to sell to the last thing Verb
option to put
option deal for the put
put option
merchandising technique
prohibition to sell
authority to sell
authority to negotiate
excise licence
licenced licensed premises
high licence license
publicant's license Noun
justice's licence license
liquor licence license
licenced licensed saloon
licenced licensed victualler
to be licenced licensed to sell drinks Verb
licencing licensing authority Noun
to license liquor selling Verb
to license liquour selling Verb
licencing licensing hours Noun
to be licenced licensed to sell sth Verb
to be licensed to sell sth Verb
tag-along right Noun, Law
haute couture
licence license fee (s)
excise licence license
(Br) excise licence
liquor licence
licenced licensed house
licencee licensee
exclusive sole (right to sell
merchandise manager
catalog ue business
resale value
right of resale