1. present
  2. current
  3. running
  4. moving
  5. flowing
  6. rife
  7. in effect
  8. in force
  9. all in the day's work
current deficit İsim, Ekonomi
current accounts deficit İsim, Ekonomi
current account
current account
current (daily) business İsim
current accounts deficit İsim, Ekonomi
current deficit İsim, Ekonomi
current assets
current assets item
current assets İsim
current receivables (in the balance sheet İsim
current receivables İsim
current supply
current acts İsim
current advances İsim
current maintenance
current debt
trade liability
current debts İsim
running debts İsim
interest on current debts
current budget
attached business value
current value
current account balance İsim, Ekonomi
current period İsim, Muhasebe
current exchange
running course of exchange
exchange current
interest as usual
black interest
interest in black
current interest
going rate of interest
flat yield
current opinion
to take up current opinions Fiil
common price
customer carge
current price
going price
at the money
current revenue
current yield
current income
current revenues İsim
current expenditure
running expenses İsim
current expenditure
current expenses İsim
current cost
current expenditure
to settle the outstanding balance Fiil, Muhasebe
to have a running account Fiil
current account
open book account
running account
checking account
book account
controlling account
continuing account
account current
current account deficit
current account receivables İsim
current account advance
current balance
current (account) balance
balance on current account
balance of current account
current pass book
debtor in account current
current account passbook
book of accounts current
current account ledger
interest on current account
current account surplus
current account business
current account operations İsim
current account register
current account deposits
deposits on current account
current account user
current account customer
lending on current account
current business year
money on current account
advance on current account
current accounts İsim
balance of current account İsim
balance of current accounts
balance of payments on current account
current account balance İsim, Ekonomi
current affairs İsim
at the current rate of exchange
current opinion
current earnings
(market) rack rent
standing credit
open book credit
current coupon
current- rate
current exchange rate
current rate
at the current exchange of
economic cost
current (outlay) cost
current outlay cost
current cost accounting İsim
inflation accounting İsim, Muhasebe
current cost accounting
matching current costs against revenue
running costs İsim
current expenses İsim
running expenses İsim
current deposits
current deposit
current deposits account
current deposits account
current transactions İsim
noncurrent liabilities İsim
current rate
current ratio Muhasebe
current (position) ratio
current payments İsim
current money
current market value
at current market price
current market rate
running policy
current aars İsim
pending aars İsim
current year
current contract
the current circumstances İsim
the prevailing circumstances İsim
current receipts
currency demand
current demand
current savings İsim
fair cash value
fair cash value
current transfer
going wage
going rate
prevailing wage
current wage
current rate of wages İsim
current wages İsim
current production
current assets İsim, Muhasebe
floating assets İsim
total current assets
current tax year
current period taxation
current period of taxation
current taxes İsim
current yield
current investments İsim
current year
current obligations İsim
current engagements İsim
current position
current receivable
deposits by customers
open charge account
account-holding branch
balance at bank on current account
current use value of land
controlling account
today's value
to post an item Fiil
mutual-current settlement
passbook savings
ordinary department İsim
liquid current assets İsim
interest on deposits
mutual accounts
going wage
partners'drawing account
partners'current account
market rate of discount
secured current acts İsim
uncovered advance
drawing account

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Yürürlükte olan, geçerli