1. fresh
  2. funny
  3. bold
  4. arrogant
  5. assured
  6. defiant
  7. cheeky
  8. unbridled
  9. overbearing
  10. Sıfat audacious
  11. flippant
  12. Sıfat presumptuous
  13. brazen
  14. perky
  15. nervy
  16. saucy
  17. impolite
  18. insolent
  19. lordly
  20. domineering
  21. impudent
  22. Sıfat sassy
  23. lippy
  24. brash
  25. forwardness
  26. belligerent
  27. impertinent
  28. pushing
  29. unblushing
  30. assumptive
  31. hot shot
  32. brassbound
  33. Sıfat snotty
  34. bold-faced
  35. baldfaced
  36. forward(s)
  37. malapert
insolent Sıfat
tall order
fall order
to have the front Fiil

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Haddini bilmez, saygısız, utanmaz