checking of weight
creditor control
parental control
baggage check
budgetary control
budget control
behaviour control
store control
state control
state supervision
foreign trade control
birth control
exchange control
foreign exchange control
exchange rate surveillance
commodity control
inventory checking
factory inspection
price control
income control
expense control
immigration control
customs inspection
safety supervision
security clearance
(mil) operational control
control of the air
air traffic control
checking of accounts
speed control
service control
governmental control
control of exports
export control
progress control
housing control
operation supervision
import control
verification of credentials
(Br) quality inspection
checking of quality
verification of quality
checkup of the cash
credit control
control of credits
liquidity control
merchandise control
material control
expenditure control
control of costs
central traffic control
verification of quantity
quantity control
nuclear arms control
automatic spark control
automatic traffic control
vote checking
mortality control
money market control
pasaport control
pasaport inspection
market control
control of the market
personnel inventory
market supervision
police control
(Br) police supervision
project control
reference checking
sanitary control
industrial control
wartime control
property control
control of operations
border control
sampling inspection
speed control
allocation control
control of production
efficiency control
to assume the control Fiil
to lift the control Fiil
to deregulation Fiil
to regain control Fiil
state controlled
birth control aids İsim
to check quality Fiil
to control the market Fiil
(US) efficiency expert
checking of the weight
weighing test
creditor control
baggage check
checking of baggage
ticket control
budget control
parental authority
store control
state control
state supervision
government supervision
birth control
restriction of the birth rate
controlled currency
exchange control
foreign exchange control
currency control
commodity control
inventory control
factory inspection
price administration
income control
food control
expense control
immigration control
customs examination
security clearance Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
safety supervision
news monitoring
control of the air
speed control
governmental control
export control
housing control
operation supervision
in- house control
statistical quality control
quality inspection
quality control
foreign exchange control
cargo verification
supervision of cartels
checkup of the cash
rent control
control of lettings
to decontrol Fiil
to gain control Fiil
to take control Fiil
control of an advance
credit control
liquidity control
merchandise control
examination of the goods
material control
expenditure control
review of costs
trade control
quantitative control
verification of quantity
mortality control
purse strings
party control
examination of passports
passport inspection
market control
pedal control
market supervision
police supervision
police control
project control
reference checking
sanitary control
industrial control
property control
servo control
frontier control
border control
arms control
inventory control
stock control
allocation control
allocation control
flood control
ceiling control
control of monopolies
monopolistic control
road check
consumer clampdown
consumption control
flying check
wage- price control
work- in-process control
production supervision
supervision of manufacture
product control
examination of the baggage
efficiency survey
approach control
directional control