engaged in employment
at work
Here ! Here it is
See ! Look ! Behold ! As you see
tally ho
to be businessman all the time Fiil
to learn on the job Fiil
to associate one's self with someone in an undertaking Fiil
to collaborate in a work Fiil
to pursue a trade Fiil
to take up a position Fiil
to have a job in prospect Fiil
dominant partner in a business
to have no concern in a matter Fiil
active share in a business
to have an active share in a business Fiil
to hold shares in a business Fiil
to have a concern in a business Fiil
to be skilled in a business Fiil
to stick to a job Fiil
to loose out on a deal Fiil
to do one's proportion of a work Fiil
to take a personal share in a work Fiil
to have skin in the game Fiil, Deyim
to be connected with an affair Fiil
to have no hand in an affair Fiil
to have an interest in a business Fiil
to have a share in a business Fiil
to have a share in business Fiil
break-in period
to know what's what Fiil
to hold down a job Fiil
to be down and out Fiil
to run upon the rocks Fiil
to go the whole hog Fiil
to assist in doing a job Fiil
to carry everything before one Fiil
to make a loss in a trade or business Fiil
to make a loss in a trade Fiil
use of a car for business
to dig oneself in Fiil
to give someone a partnership in business Fiil
to work with someone Fiil
That doesn't sound right.
where do you come in
to be in regular work Fiil
in harness
Maybe it's for the best.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
to learn on the job Fiil
inexperienced in business
to retained in business Fiil
to fail in business Fiil
Way to go!
here you are
revival in business
unfit for business
probation period
probationary arrangement
to be exact in business Fiil
lull in business
business decline
to remain active in business Fiil
to employ Fiil
that's that
There you go.
to be out at work Fiil
to be in hand Fiil
to be on the payroll Fiil
to be at work Fiil
tally ho
to be out of the whole business Fiil
to have a share in a business Fiil
break-in period
here is a case in print
here we go again
to hold a position of management responsibility in business Fiil
pick up in employment
You know,
to be gainfully employed Fiil
to be gainful ly employed Fiil
probationary term
probationary period
probationary arrangement
use of a car for business
It just is.
to loss of the adventure Fiil
to loss of the adventure Fiil
to be used entirely for business
to grind the wind Fiil
to have a part-time job Fiil

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