1. İsim, Hukuk municipality
  2. township
  3. city hall
  4. municipal borough
  5. civic government
  6. civil government
  7. corporate authority
  8. municipal corporation
  9. incorporated town
City of Greater ... İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
metropolitan municipality İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
communal estate
common ground
communal land
common fields
communal kitchen
municipal bank İsim
provost İsim, Yerel Yönetim
mayor İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
the office of the mayor
to stand as a mayor Fiil
town hall İsim
city hall İsim
municipal negotiable bond İsim
municipal bonds İsim
municipal debts İsim
local debts İsim
district parish
county district
town district
municipal district
city district
municipal budget
city hall
municipal office
town house
county district
parish house
parish hall
municipal support
municipal issue
municipal property
town council İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
borough council
municipal committee
municipal corporation
municipal council İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
town councillor İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
municipal finances
local finance
municipal garage
local revenue
municipal undertaking
county jail
district general hospital
county hospital
county treasury
local doctor
district nurse
city services İsim
municipal services İsim
public utility charges
public-utility undertaking
clerk to the council
municipal government
local administration
municipal compensation
municipal loan
public-utility strike
municipal worker
county business İsim
municipal functions İsim
civic reception
municipality owned utility İsim
county library
municipal credit
city commission
municipal enterprise
local list
district authorities İsim
municipal authorities İsim
municipal expenses İsim
district council
local district council
parish council
local board
town council İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
select council
city council
(Br) shop council
urban district council
common council
municipal board
(US) select council
corporate authority
village council
common hall
shop council
municipal assembly
local council
municipal council İsim, Hukuk
municipal council İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
council decision
town councillor İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
member of a local council
common councilman
parochial officer
city clerk
town officer
municipal officer
parish officer
(Br) city clerk
municipal employee
(US) municipal officer
municipal seat
municipal ordinance
municipal accountant
municipal accounting İsim
district inspector
municipal engineering
city property
municipal office
county office
proprietary establishment
(Br) provided school
parochial school
provided school
communal forest
city bus İsim, Ulaşım
local politics İsim
municipal reform
municipal elections İsim
city election
municipal polling
municipal election İsim
regional elections İsim
communal elector
county fund
municipal border
corporate limit
boundries of municipality İsim
parochial boundaries İsim
boundaries of municipality İsim
municipal borders İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
infraction of a municipal law
corporation stock
municipal loan
municipal bond
corporation loan
municipal paper
corporate loan
municipal stock
municipal security
local bond İsim
municipal stocks İsim
municipal securities İsim
to be defrayable by the town Fiil
communal organization
corporation tramway
rates and taxes İsim
rating authority
borough rates İsim
municipal taxes İsim
municipal rates İsim
parochial rates İsim
urban rates İsim
town dues
town tax
borough rate
county rate
municipal taxation
town treasurer
municipal treasurer
city treasury
municipal accountant
treasurer's office
municipal aid
parish relief
adopted street
town management
municipal police İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
a municipal police force charged with seeing that various laws and ordinanc İsim
gemeindehaus (Alm.)
home descriptions İsim

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Bir şehir veya kasabanın bayındırlığına, temizlik, ... halk tarafından seçilmiş yönetim