1. İsim, Botanik genus
  2. family
  3. form
  4. quality
  5. species
  6. order
  7. category
  8. like
  9. fashion
  10. gender
  11. breed
  12. diversity
  13. strain
  14. stamp
  15. rate
  16. type
  17. İsim predicament
  18. cast
  19. İsim denomination
  20. brood
  21. full-blooded
  22. feather
  23. stripe
  24. stock
  25. sex
  26. class
  27. race
  28. run
  29. kind
  30. style
  31. make
gendercide İsim, Sosyoloji
gendercide İsim, Sosyoloji
type of construction
quality grade
description of securities
specific obligation, obligation involving a non-substitutable item, obligation involving a unique item İsim, Hukuk
type of promotion
type of contract
the opposite sex
generic obligation, obligation involving a substitutable item, obligation involving a fungible item İsim, Hukuk
common noun
specific name
common name (noun)
nomen generale
porterhouse steak
to cross Fiil
... of that ilk
average kind and quality

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Başlıca nitelikleri aynı olan ve aralarında ... nesneler topluluğu, tür, nevi