1. unstable
  2. uneven
  3. rocky
  4. Sıfat precarious
  5. unequal
  6. unbalanced
  7. unsteady
  8. Sıfat spotty
  9. tipsy
  10. lopsided
  11. ticklish
  12. wonky
  13. ill- balanced
  14. out-of-balance
  15. tottery
  16. instable
  17. out of balance
  18. mentally unbalanced
  19. immoderate
  20. off-center
of unsound mind
unbalanced growth
unstable market
unstable industries İsim
unstable industries İsim
unchecked and unbalanced Sıfat, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Denge durumunda ... yerinde bulunmayan