1. concerned
  2. worried
  3. Sıfat anxious
  4. Sıfat nervous
  5. uneasy
  6. restless
  7. insecure
  8. apprehensive
  9. beleaguered
  10. jittery
  11. pensive
  12. Sıfat solicitous
  13. disquiet
  14. hung-up
  15. windy
  16. somber
  17. on tenterhooks
  18. uptight, up-tight
troubled about money matters
anxious suspense
anxiously Zarf
anxiously Zarf
to be uneasy about one's health Fiil

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Düşünceli ve ... kederli, tasalı