1. Fiil to recover
  2. Fiil to suit one's purpose
  3. Fiil to be good
  4. Fiil to be favourable
to be good in patches Fiil
to stand in with sb Fiil
to be the perfection of kindness Fiil
to be good for a sum Fiil
to be preferable to establish a guarantee fund Fiil
to leave someone in the dust Fiil
to leave someone standing Fiil
to be on good terms with sb Fiil
to be on a good footing with sb Fiil
to be on a friendly footing with sb Fiil
to beat doing something Fiil
to come into your own Fiil
to stand out Fiil
to better Fiil
to beat Fiil
to be on velvet Fiil
to come off best Fiil
to have a good grounding in english Fiil
to be well fixed Fiil
to do very nicely financially Fiil
to have good stuff in one Fiil
to be good at numbers Fiil
to fitness to be good for a sum Fiil
to be better left unsaid Fiil
to stand well with one's chief Fiil
to illustrate … Fiil
to be instrumental in finding well paid work for a friend Fiil
to come down in the world Fiil
to think highly of sb Fiil
to do someone a good turn Fiil
to vouch for sb's good conduct Fiil
to be on good terms with sb Fiil
to have a knack with children Fiil
to have first-rate position Fiil
to have first-rate position Fiil
to have a keen sense of hearing Fiil
to make an excellent husband Fiil
to have a first-rate position Fiil
to have come down in the world Fiil
to have one's lessons perfect Fiil
to be rated of the best managed companies Fiil
to take something as a good omen Fiil
to be a good prospect for any young girl Fiil
to cut both ways Fiil
to have one's heart in the right place Fiil
to have firmer legal ground Fiil
to have a good custom Fiil
to belong to a family of good standing Fiil
to make a successful businessman Fiil
to be well placed Fiil
to set a good example Fiil
to be in pleasant location Fiil
to be well placed Fiil
to be in good working order Fiil
to be a good diplomat Fiil
to be good diplomat Fiil
to in good bread Fiil
to be well placed Fiil
to have had a good education Fiil
to be well educated Fiil
to be in (the) receipt of a good income Fiil
to enjoyment of a good income Fiil
to stick by someone through thick and thin Fiil
to stick by someone through thick and thin Fiil
to have had one's time Fiil
to have known better days Fiil
to have all one's marchs Fiil
to be a good speaker Fiil
to be smart at figures Fiil
to bear a good character Fiil
to be well connected Fiil
to be on good terms Fiil
to be well connected Fiil
to thrive by good husbandry Fiil
to have a name for good workmanship Fiil
to have a fine job Fiil
to be in good working order Fiil
to be in good savour Fiil
to make a good income Fiil
to have good neighbors Fiil
to be in safe keeping Fiil
to get a good start in life Fiil
to have a good repute Fiil
to have good grounds Fiil
to have one's hand in Fiil
to make good reading Fiil
to have able counsel Fiil
to have a good record Fiil
to be well in on a deal Fiil
to enjoy a good reputation Fiil
to be of good report Fiil
to be well educated Fiil
to have good connections Fiil
to be in a fair train Fiil
to be judged good Fiil
to have a good sense of direction Fiil
to have a good bump of locality Fiil
to be on friendly terms with one's neighbors Fiil
to be better fixed financially Fiil
to be better fixed financially Fiil
to be in fair condition Fiil
to be in a fair condition Fiil
to have a respectable income Fiil
to be sure of one's lobs Fiil