1. Zarf commercially
  2. commercial
Organisation of conventions and trade shows (NACE code: N82.3) İsim, Sanayi ve Zanaatler
Organisation of conventions and trade shows (NACE code: N82.3.0) İsim, Sanayi ve Zanaatler
trade-based money laundering İsim, Ceza Hukuku
mutual assistance in commercial matters İsim, Uluslararası Hukuk
commercial loan İsim, Bankacılık
commercial credit İsim, Bankacılık
business loan İsim, Bankacılık
goods exports İsim, Ticaret
export of goods İsim, Ticaret
non-trade receivables İsim, Muhasebe
commercially Zarf
commercial practice
commercial weight
trade flows İsim
commercial intercourse
commercial dealings
trade enquiry
commercial convention
commercial agreement
business car
trade advantage
commercial bank
commercial banking İsim, Bankacılık
commercial success
trade prospects İsim
trade debts İsim
trade obligations İsim
trade debtor
trade fluctuations İsim
commercial case
trade foothold
account books İsim
commercial value
trading value
experience in trade
commercial storage
commercial magazine
trade term
commercial term
mercantile training
trading handicap
commercial document
commercial papers
business operation
commercial activities
commercial invoice
commercial prospects İsim
trade loss
trading firm
mercantile concern
trading practice
commercial income
business proceeds
business progress
commercial development
commercial venture
commercial operation
business enterprise
business venture
trade talks İsim
trading security
commercial news İsim
mercantile operations İsim
commercial airport
business account
commercial services İsim
commercial domicile
trade advertisement
commercial announcement
commercial relationship İsim, Ticaret
business relationship İsim, Ticaret
commercial relation
commercial relations İsim
functional discount
commercial statistics
trade returns
trade roes İsim
commercial borrowing
commercial business
commercial transaction
trading operations İsim
commercial affairs İsim
business dealings İsim
commercial enterprise
commercial alliance
channels of trade İsim
commercial profit
commercial rip-offs İsim
trade terms İsim
trading receipts İsim
commercial earnings İsim
commercial subject
trade depression
commercial crisis
trading concern
commercial enterprise
commercial establishment
commercial corporation
trade goods
commercial property
commercial articles İsim
commercial wares İsim
trademark name
trade expenses İsim
commercial letter
commercial interests
commercial advantage
mercantile interests İsim
commercial interests İsim
commercial matters İsim
commercial profession
commercial legislation
trade legislation
trade monopoly
economic operation
commercial operation
business transaction
economic correspondent
commercial enterprise
trade agent
trade representative
mercantile agency
trading possibility
commercial prospects İsim
(US) merchantile partner
mercantile partner
trading partner
trading currency
commercial marketing
trading performance
commercial bill of exchange
business promotion
trade publicity
trade folder
commercial advice
trade reference
trade rivalry
trade competition
trade advertising
commercial risk
business risk
mercantile risk
trade acceptance
commercial draft
negotiable instruments
trade paper
nonphysical money
substitute money
commercial navigation
trade secrets İsim, Bilgi Teknolojileri
commercial insurance
business insurance
trade matters İsim
trade enquiry
trading settlement
commercial exploitation
trade agreement
commercial standardization
commercial standard
commercial standardization
(US) trading stocks
commercial arbitration
commercial calender
practice of merchants
commercial practice
business experience
trade measures İsim
commercial representative
commercial enterprise
business venture
trading concern
commercial venture
commercial undertaking
business concern
business concerns
trade promotion
commercial broadcasting
trade sale
commercial aeroplane
commercial occupation
mercantile pursuits İsim
trading advantage
trade tax
trade data
commercial leg-up
commercial calender
commercial year
trading year
commercial channel
channels of trade İsim
commercial envelope

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Ticâretle ilgili, ticârete âit