işten çıkarmak

  1. Verb to comb out
  2. Verb to discharge
  3. Verb to dismiss
  4. Verb to dismiss from
  5. Verb to let off
  6. Verb to sack
  7. Verb to sign off
  8. Verb to can
  9. Verb to remove
to axe a number of officials Verb
to remove a civil servant Verb
to discharge an employee Verb
to shelve an officer Verb
to recover a civil servant Verb
to dismiss a clerk Verb
to dismiss a clerk Verb
to dismiss someone without notice Verb
to give someone the boot Verb
to let off someone from his engagement Verb
to shelve sb Verb
to let someone go Verb
to axe sb Verb
to dismiss all one's hands Verb
to dismiss for want of sufficient ground Verb
to dismiss without justification Verb
to wrongful dismissal Verb
to dismiss immediately Verb
to dismiss summarily Verb
to dismiss without notice Verb
to sack for union activities Verb
to get rid of the deadwood in the company Verb
to weed out the incompetents Verb