
  1. Noun symptom (Kaynak: Evrim Çalışkanları)
  2. note
  3. sign
  4. show
  5. mark
  6. symptom
  7. Noun indication
  8. symbol
  9. hint
  10. trace
  11. indicator
  12. Noun manifestation
  13. spark
  14. token
  15. omen
  16. prognostic
  17. prognostication
  18. augury
  19. badge
  20. foretoken
  21. sematic
  22. evidence(s) of
smell of anarchy
signal for inflation
indication of storm
mark of confidence
sign of confidence
vital signs Noun, Medicine
badge of fraud
writing on the wall
vital signs Noun, Medicine
vital signs Noun, Medicine
clear indication
straw in the wind
foreshadowing indicator
characteristic sign
clear indication
positive sign
true indication
to take something as a good omen Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Bir şeyin var olduğunu, meydana çıktığını ... işâret, âraz, nişan, alâmet