her türlü

  1. every
  2. all sorts of
all types of ... Adjective
to outrage all decency Verb
to stand any amount of hardwear Verb
to stand any amount of hard wear Verb
warranted free of all average
free of all average
to transact banking business of every description Verb
to transact all types of banking Verb
full range of banking and financial services Noun
to be ready for every emergency Verb
by fair means or foul
to apply all means Verb
to application all means Verb
omnibus deposit
all shades of opinion
to be open to all views Verb
great and small
to go out in all weathers Verb
come rain or shine
to go out in all weathers Verb
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Noun, International Law
to handle any sort of business Verb
to break loose from all restraint Verb
to fling aside all restraint Verb
full facilities
(short form) all mod cons
to break loose from all control Verb
to get a property free from all encumbrances Verb
to get a propertyfree from all encumbrances Verb
to exclude all possibilities of doubt Verb
to stock varied goods Verb
to deal in goods of all kinds Verb
general-line jobber
to function in all financial fields Verb
goods and chattels
will all modern conveniences
with all modern conveniences
to look round Verb
to allow for all possibilities Verb
to shake oneself free from all bias Verb
to be defying all competition Verb
to defy all competition Verb
to be prepared for all contingencies Verb
against all risks (A . A . R
to be insured against all possible risk Verb
to assume all risks Verb
all the trades
to fill all requirements (every requirement) Verb
all manner of political goals
to preclude all doubts Verb
surpass all description
to close the door upon any discussion Verb
to abstain from any measure Verb
to provide for everything Verb
to throw one's cap over the windmill Verb
to strip totally of any power Verb
freight-of-all-kinds rates Noun
all loss insurance Noun
loss fully covered by insurance
loss of damages
all loss insurance Noun
loss fully covered by insurance
to be free from all preoccupations Verb
to afford someone every facility Verb
to spread all sorts of falsehood about sb Verb
to relieve someone of all responsibility Verb
to relieve someone from all responsibility Verb
they have fitted their house up with all modern conveniences Noun
Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief Noun, International Law
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Law
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women Noun, International Law