1. county
  2. district
  3. accident
  4. parish
  5. borough
  6. crash
  7. misfortune
  8. mishap
  9. adversity
  10. crack-up
  11. mischance
  12. body of a county
  13. misadventure
  14. casus
  15. subdivision of a province
  16. administration of justice
  17. caza
occupational accident İsim, Hukuk
traffic accident İsim, Ulaşım
road accident İsim, Ulaşım
road traffic accident İsim, Ulaşım
motor vehicle accident (MVA) İsim, Ulaşım
traffic accident İsim, Ulaşım
road accident İsim, Ulaşım
road traffic accident İsim, Ulaşım
motor vehicle accident (MVA) İsim, Ulaşım
traffic accident İsim, Ulaşım
road accident İsim, Ulaşım
road traffic accident İsim, Ulaşım
motor vehicle accident (MVA) İsim, Ulaşım
an unfortunate accident
jurisdiction of general courts
military jurisdiction
pure accident
totally unexpected accident
on the job-accident
on the job- accident
inevitable accident
wretched accident
bad accident
fiscal jurisdiction
deplorable accident
disagreeable accident
nasty accident
fatal accident
casus fortuitous
minor accident
fatigue accident
multiple-vehicle collision İsim, Ulaşım
accident investigation
judicial circuit
judicial district
(US) district attorney
magisterial district
area of jurisdiction
jurisdiction İsim, Hukuk
judicial township
judicial district
magisterial precinct
judicial area
district judge
circuit attorney
(US) circuit attorney
judicial function
to crack up Fiil
to sell out to the yankees Fiil
to crash Fiil, Havacılık
to have an accident Fiil
to meet with an accident Fiil
notice of accident
right of jurisdiction
jurisdiction İsim, Hukuk
exercise of jurisdiction
shock loss Sigorta
per misadventure
through inadvertence
by inadvertence
accidental killing
homicide by misadventure
death by accident
accidental death
death by misadventure
recording of accidents
record of road accidents
reserve for accidents
fatalities İsim
judicial authority
judicial power
accident site İsim
accident costs İsim
county town
county seat
municipal town
township center İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
cause of accident
accident causes İsim
accident rate
report of an accident
report of the accident
accident hazard İsim
accident sources İsim
frequency of accidents
accident insurance contract
accident insurance İsim
casualty insurance İsim
accident policy
casualty premium
contingency insurance
to meet one's death Fiil
death by accident
damage resulting from an accident
responsibility for an accident
investigation of accidents
date of injury
accident benefit insurance İsim
accident indemnity
compensation benefit
accident benefit
in case of accident
hit and run driver
hit and run offense
injury benefit
barring accidents
accident site İsim
common law jurisdiction
jurisdiction İsim, Hukuk
local competence
claim of cognizance or conusance
venue jurisdiction
conflict of jurisdiction
(US) jurisdictional dispute
limited court
to be invested with judicial powers Fiil
objection to the jurisdiction
having jurisdiction
ouster of jurisdiction
detained by accident
time of accident
justice ayres
to have original jurisdiction Fiil
original jurisdiction
contentious jurisdiction
to suffer shipwreck Fiil
maritime jurisdiction
coordinate jurisdiction
matrimonial jurisdiction
personal accident insurance İsim
general jurisdiction
arbitrator jurisdiction
arbitrager arbitragist jurisdiction
administrative jurisdiction
administrative jurisdiction
bankruptcy jurisdiction
compensation insurance İsim
(US) compensation insurance İsim
workman's compensation
(US) workman's compensation
personal accident insurance İsim
interior jurisdiction
cumulative jurisdiction
bankruptcy district
exclusive jurisdiction
exclusive jurisdiction
concurrent jurisdiction
concurrent jurisdiction concurrence of jurisdiction
special jurisdiction
industrial injuries scheme
prone to accidents
personal accident insurance
full jurisdiction
summary jurisdiction
third-party accident insurance İsim
(Br) third-party accident insurance İsim
foreign jurisdiction
local jurisdiction
territorial jurisdiction
delegated jurisdiction
venue jurisdiction
passenger accident insurance İsim
travel accident insurance İsim
travel (l) ers'accident insurance İsim

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Kimsenin kastı olmadan ortaya çıkan, zarara ... kaybına sebep olabilen hâdise
  2. Dâvâları görme ve hükme bağlama işi, ... ve hâkimin görevi, yargı