sero- Ön Ek
  1. greenhouse
  2. head
  3. top
  4. summit
  5. apex
  6. hothouse
  7. plant-house
  8. forcing-house
  9. glasshouse
second issue
bit serial
(shares) second issue
radioactive series İsim, Fizik
physician in chief İsim, Tıp
chief physician İsim, Tıp
head physician İsim, Tıp
chief of medicine İsim, Tıp
new series
chief physician
lesser of two evils
the lesser evil
the lesser of two evils
legal fiction
malice İsim
axis of evil İsim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
nest of vice İsim
Shari'a-compliant Sıfat, Din ve İnanç
Shari' evidence İsim, Din ve İnanç
legal fiction
Shari'a İsim, Din ve İnanç
Shari'a sciences İsim, Din ve İnanç
religious taxes İsim

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Baş, kafa
  2. Limonluk1, sera

Şerîat, İslâm şerîatı
bk. –şar
Daha kötü
Kötülük, fenâlık