1. during
  2. throughout
  3. Zarf lengthways
  4. Zarf lengthwise
  5. over
  6. along
at full length
full- length
through the night
yearly round
through the ages
in the course of the day
all day (long
day time
for life
during his natural life
man and boy
during his natural life
throughout the war
for an indefinite time Zarf
all along the line
horizontally Zarf
over many years Zarf
throughout the year
all along the road
to be in commission all the year Fiil
to continue throughout ... Fiil
to last for… Fiil
to last for… Fiil
to running board Fiil
to go along a street Fiil
to hold a life tenancy of a house Fiil
to hold a life tenancy of a house Fiil
to last an hour Fiil
to back someone up throughout a discussion Fiil
to pound along a road Fiil
to recline Fiil
measure one's length (upon the ground)
to wait for a good hour Fiil
to peg the highway Fiil
to wear through the day Fiil
to range themselves along the route of the procession Fiil
to range down the coast Fiil
to run down the coast Fiil
to run down the coast Fiil
coastwise navigation
to have been handed down from father to son for many generations Fiil
to stand all the way back in a bus Fiil
to be a drag on someone all one's life Fiil
perpetual annuity
life annuity
deferred annuity
year-round Sıfat
to waddle across the road Fiil
to line the streets Fiil
to walk up the road Fiil
to apportion losses evenly over the year Fiil