1. including
  2. Bilgi Teknolojileri inclusive
  3. Sıfat embracing
strongly-worded Sıfat
ferrous Sıfat
aqueous Sıfat
commutative contract
motion for arrest
severable contract obligation
priced invoice
dog whistle İsim, Dil ve Edebiyat
to withdraw an offending expression Fiil
libellous letter
omnivorous diet İsim
memorandum of eurochambers
financial paper
descriptive catalog (ue
descriptive catalog (ue)
complimentary prefixes (suffixes) İsim
omnibus motion İsim, Hukuk
composition by assignment of the assets to the creditors
European Agreement Concerning Programme Exchanges by Means of Television Films İsim, Uluslararası Hukuk